The University of Tor Vergata will be glad to welcome all of our newly enrolled international students from the 4th to the 15th of September, 2017, from 9.00 to 2.00 p.m.
For two weeks, from Monday to Friday, at Tor Vergata School of Economics (Via Columbia 2 - Building A, Aula Freezer), students will be supported and tutored in filling the Stay Permit, Health Insurance and Pass card for transportation in Rome modules.
Also, there will be several stands that will support students with information regarding activities and organizations available at the campus or in the city of Rome, as following:
- Tor Vergata (general information)
- Agenzia delle Entrate (for obtaining the Fiscal Code) on September 4th and 11th from 9.00 to 2.00 p.m.
- National Health Service (SSN) Presentation of SSN TBD
- CAF Office ( for ISEEU document) on September 5th – 7th – 11th – 13th – 15th from 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
- A Unicredit Bank stand (to get information about and/or open a bank account)
- MOOVIT (the first transit app) representatives ready to provide information on transportation in Rome and in Italy. Presentation on September 12th .
- Laziodisu scholarships
- CampusX (for accommodation information)
- CLA (Tor Vergata Linguistic Centre)
- CLICI (Center for Italian Language and Culture)
- CUS (University Sports Center)
- Agevola (Facilities for Tor Vergata community)
- Botanic Garden (information about cultural and leisure activities organized by the University)
Please note that you have to ask for the Codice Fiscale to the Italian Embassy (or Consulate) at the moment of the Entry Visa request. The Codice Fiscale is necessary for all kinds of interaction with the Italian public administration.
Tuition fees at the University of Rome Tor Vergata for the AY 2017/2018 will be based on the student’s family income.
International students’ family income can only be certified by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities (local Consulate or local Embassy), which students should consult in order to know what documents are needed for such certification. Once the proper documentation is submitted to the Italian Diplomatic Authority, it will provide the student with the certified documents that need to be brought to any CAF Office (Italian Tax Service Centres) after arriving in Rome.
The CAF office will deliver to the student the ISEEU module necessary to then determine the student’s yearly tuition fee amount.
Not submitting the ISEEU to the University will imply for the student the payment based on the maximum rate of the yearly fee of the course (80% of the maximum rate for the students coming from low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies; 100% of the maximum rate for all the other international students).
For more information:
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via Orazio Raimondo 18, 00173 Rome
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone: 00390672592817
facebook: torvergata orienta